The 3rd Denyo Kogyo Corporate Golf Competition was held on Nov. 10th 2018.…
A ceremony was held to celebrate the construction completion of Denyo Manufacturing India (DMI) PVT LTD on May 31st 2018. DMI is a group company of Denyo Kogyo, and located in Pune, India.…
2018年5月31日に電溶工業のインドのグループ会社 DENYO MANUFACTURING INDIA PVT.L TD. (製造工場:プネ)の竣工式が執り行われました。…
Denyo Kogyo commemorated the fiftieth business anniversary on Dec. 16th this year. The ceremony and banquet were held at The Bellclassic Kofu on Nov. 9th prior to the anniversary.…
The second annual golf competition was held on Nov. 11th 2017.…