On Friday, February 7, 2025, at 2:30 PM, our Executive Director, Toshiyuki Nakamura, received an award from Mr. Furusawa, Director General of the Diversity Promotion and Human Resources Development Bureau of Yamanashi Prefecture, at the Onshirin Memorial Hall. …
令和7年2月7日(金) 午後2時30分に、恩賜林記念館大会議室にて山梨県多様性社会・人材活躍推進局の古澤局長より、当社専務取締役の中村敏幸が表彰状をいただきました。…
The Yamanashi Prefectural Government presented us with the certification at a ceremony held on December 26, 2023, …
A groundbreaking moment for DMI, as they embark on the journey of robotic welding gun manufacturing. …
DMI(Denyo Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd.)にとって、ロボット溶接ガン製造は歴史的な瞬間であり、新たな旅立ちです。…
In line of the recent series of natural disasters, Denyo Kogyo entered…
We were honored by the visit of Mr. Hiroshi Sonoda, Mayor of Omura, on May 12, 2022.…